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This is a page from the October 1943 issue of an Army Quartermaster Catalog, representing different types of uniforms available for nurses. One common material here is wool, which would be absolutely miserable in warm climates like Africa and islands…

This sheet music by Lou Singer and Pvt. HY Zaret is the anthem of the Army Nurse Corps, entitled, "Song of the Army Nurse Corps." The enthusiasm and loyalty to country evident in the song expose the clear effort to get women to support the war…

This recording shows the upbeat spirit evident in the music of the Army Nurse Corps, but also of the other branches of military service women. These songs were meant to inspire loyalty, patriotism, and courage in the women marching to its beat as…

This image captures the different types of uniforms women serving as nurses in the Army Nurse Corps would have had to wear. The uniforms vary from practical and functional to dressy and impractical, and all were used by hundreds of women in wartime.…

The group of women shown here, while looking relatively pleased and smiling, are standing in what is clearly a cold and unforgiving climate in Adak, Alaska in 1943. These US Navy Nurse Corps members are serving at the US Naval Hospital in Adak, and…

These women have just arrived in France in 1944, after serving the army for three years as war nurses. The typical image of what a World War II nurse would have looked like, especially post-service, is not what is shown in this picture. The image…
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